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(Schedule subject to change – all changes will be updated at least two weeks in advance)

Week 1 – Sept. 10
Introduction and syllabus review
Assessment – What do you know?

Week 2 – Sept. 17
Reviewing the basics, How the Web has changed Journalism

Week 3 –Sept. 24
Blogs – Aggregation/curation and quick hits

Week 4 – Oct. 1
Blogs as reporting tools and live blogging

Week 5 – Oct. 9 (Monday schedule on Tuesday)
One-on-one meetings

Week 6 – Oct. 15
Social media –Using Facebook and Twitter for journalism
Final project budget due.

Week 7 – Oct. 22
Engaging your audience
Other social media tools – Tout, Hallo, Google+ and more
Mid-term assessment

Week 8 – Oct. 29

Week 9 – Nov. 5
Photos and Slideshows
Final project progress check.

Week 10 – Nov. 19
Video – Part I – Editing

Week 11 – Nov. 26
Video – Part II – Effective use on the Web

Week 12 – Dec. 3
Mapping and graphics

Week 13 – Dec. 10
Looking toward the future: What’s next?
Final Presentations

Week 14 – TBD
Final Presentations

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