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Week 9

March 19: Beats

Snow Cancellation/Postponement

March 21: Beats

Reading: Complete the “News U — Introduction to Reporting: Beat Basics” online course. Unless otherwise noted here, make sure you read everything under menus/that can be expanded (i.e. The Beat Description; Finding Source)/tabs (i.e. Going off the record). Complete all Activities (exception, you can skip “Activity: List Top Five Tips from Other Journalists). Under “Beats,” select the three most interesting to you. Read all of the expanded information on those topics.

Email “Activity: Create Your Beat Description” and your “Course Report” (after completing the course) to me: maria_burnsortiz@emerson.edu (This should have been done by March 19.)

In-Class: Assign Beat


Compile beat source and resource list.

Propose five story ideas: 1 profile, 1 trend story, 1 hard news story, 2 wildcard. Give a one graf summary of the story and list of specific sources you would interview for each idea. (You will pursue one of these features for your March 28 homework assignment.)

Additional: Get approval for meeting coverage. (See March 26 homework)

Powerpoint: Beats

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