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Week 3

Week 3 – What makes for good (sports) journalism?
• “Warren Beatty.” (Story and Intro) Bill Zehme, Rolling Stone. (Handout)
• “Pat Tillman: Remember His Name.” Gary Smith, Sports Illustrated.
• “If You’re Expecting One-Liners, Wait, a Column.” Jim Murray, Los Angeles Times.
• “Broncos Again Play Clay Pigeons in the NFL’s Biggest Skeet Shoot.” Jim Murray, Los Angeles Times.
• “The Greatest Newspaper that Ever Died.” Alex French and Howie Kahn, Grantland.

Sites to review:
Sports on Earth

(Basically have an idea on the type of content on these sites, check out a few stories, etc. Try to get at least an overview of what each site is looking to accomplish/is about.)

Blog Assignment: Summarize why “The National” failed. If the exact same venture was launched on the Web in October 2012, what challenges would it face? What advantages would it have over the original? Do you think such an endeavor would succeed? Explain why or why not.

Autobiography for Week 5 must be approved.

Skill: Multimedia Basics

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